“Help! I’m Scared of the Dentist”: How to Overcome Dental Phobia

Hands up if you love coming to see your dentist? We’d like to think we stand out in terms of patient experience, but we’ve got to be realistic – some of you aren’t huge fans of the dental chair – and that’s perfectly okay!
As caring and understanding dentists, we know that many people have genuine fears and anxieties about taking those all-important steps to get dental treatment.
Dental phobia is a condition that we take seriously. Even if you have mild worries about the treatment you receive, we hear you and we want to help.
Here’s what you can do to help overcome your dental phobia.
Talk It Through
Dental practices have always had a reputation of being sterile environments. The clinical and precise nature of dental work could potentially lead you to see your dentist as being less sympathetic than other healthcare professionals. Thankfully, that’s not the case.
We’re human. We care.
If you have any doubts, concerns, or fears about your dental care, talk to us about it. Let us know what you’re scared of as we can help you.
Talking through things helps you rationalise them. It also gives us an opportunity to learn exactly where your worries lay. We may even be able to adapt your treatment to work around this fact.
Book for the Quietest Time of the Day
When you book your appointment, pick a slot at the quietest time of the day. When you’re feeling anxious, your senses work overtime. It’s your body’s natural response to threats.
A busy waiting room when you’re feeling like this can make the experience even more uncomfortable.
The quieter the waiting room is, the easier you’ll find it to breathe deep and conquer that anxious feeling.
Take a Friend
If you’ve got a friend, family member, or partner who is great at providing moral support, bring them with you. Having someone that knows you and cares about you will help ease the stress.
Ask About Sedation
Sedation dentistry allows us to do everything we need to do for you, while you’re calm and relaxed. We can provide sedation to nervous patients meaning you don’t feel a thing throughout a procedure.
You’ll still be conscious throughout, and we’ll keep on communicating with you so you know what’s happening, but you’ll be in a tranquil state, free from anxiety.
If you’re having sedation, make sure you’re not driving home after your appointment. You may be drowsy for a little while until the effects wear off.
Overcoming Your Dental Phobia
If fear of the dentist is stopping you from seeking treatment, it could lead to further dental health problems at a later date. We want to help minimise the impact your dental problems have on your overall health and wellbeing, so it’s important to take these steps early.
To find out more about how we can help you, talk to our friendly team today and book an appointment with a dentist who cares.