Root Canal Treatment & Toothache

The root canal area is an important part of the tooth; the front teeth tend to have a single root, while the back teeth (the molars) tend to have more than one root, which means they have multiple root canals. The root canals contain the pulp area, which is the living part of the tooth containing the blood vessels and nerves. Your dentist may advise you to have root canal treatment if the pulp tissue in your tooth has become infected or damaged.
What is root canal treatment and how can it help me?
Root canal treatment is a very effective restorative dental procedure, which helps to save and strengthen a tooth that is infected or damaged as a result of decay, infection or injury. Once the infection spreads to the pulp chamber, the tooth effectively starts to die and treatment is required; without treatment, the infection will continue to spread and the tooth will eventually need to be taken out. Root canal treatment is a means of saving the tooth and preventing further infection.
The actual procedure is designed to remove decayed tissue from the tooth and to make the tooth stronger. During the first part of the procedure, your dentist will drill through the tooth to access root canals; they will then remove the decayed pulp tissue and clean the root canals thoroughly. The root canals will then be filled using dental material to prevent the spread of infection and bolster the tooth.
It is common to have a new crown fitted following root canal treatment; this makes the tooth stronger and also improves the appearance of the tooth.
Root canal treatment can help to save you from having a tooth extracted; we always try to save teeth because gaps in the smile can cause problems with the function of your mouth, as well as affect the appearance of your smile, which may also have consequences for your self-confidence.
Is root canal treatment painful?
Root canal treatment is usually carried out under local anaesthetic to prevent any discomfort. You may feel mild pain after the procedure but you can take over the counter pain relief.