A Brief Outline of the Dental Implant Procedure Timeline

Dental implants are the ultimate way to replace missing or severely damaged teeth. Titanium implants have been in use since the 1960s and dentists worldwide have been refining and perfecting the placement procedure ever since.
A dental implant replaces the root of your tooth. An implant is capped by a dental crown when used to fill the gap left by a single missing tooth. We can also replace multiple teeth using four implants. This technique can support an entire arch.
If you’ve decided dental implants are for you, you may wonder how long it will take to fix your smile. Dental implants take time to heal, so it’s good to know what to expect.
Here’s what you need to know about the dental implant procedure process.
Step One: Your Initial Consultation
Before we start, we need to determine whether dental implants are right for you. To have dental implants, you need a healthy supporting jaw. A dental implant is placed directly into your jaw. Teeth endure tremendous pressure while chewing, so it’s important to ensure your jawbone is strong and dense enough to hold the implant.
We’ll take X-rays of your teeth and perform a physical examination of your teeth and jaw. Your initial consultation is also an opportunity for us to discuss your general health and lifestyle. Certain health factors could affect your recovery from dental implant surgery.
Step Two: Preparation
If dental implants are right for you, we’ll prepare for your implant procedure. If we need to remove damaged teeth, we’ll do this at this stage.
Step Three: Implant Surgery
Next, we’ll prepare and place your dental implant. The entire procedure is performed under anaesthetic to ensure maximum comfort and a painless experience.
Dental implants get the strength to support your new teeth by fusing with your jawbone. This process is known as osseointegration. Much like when your bone recovers after an injury, it can take a few months for your jaw to heal around an implant.
For traditional dental implants, we must wait for the bone to heal before proceeding. With All-On-4 or Same Day Teeth, we don’t need to wait. Because these implants are placed at an angle, it removes the need for a longer recovery period. While you wait for your new permanent teeth, we’ll give you a temporary set that will look and feel great.
Step Four: Completing Your New Smile
For All-On-4s or Same Day Teeth, you won’t have to wait long for your new smile. Once your bespoke replacement teeth are ready a few weeks after the implant placement, we’ll fit them.
If we are waiting for your implants to fuse fully to your jaw, we’ll invite you back into the clinic to check on the progress after a few months. The healing process typically takes between three and six months; however, this can take longer for some patients.
Once we’re satisfied with how your jaw bone has healed, we’ll place your new teeth.
Recovering After Dental Implant Surgery
As with most types of surgery, you will need to consider recovery. After initially placing the implants, you may experience some swelling in the days following the procedure. You can manage this with painkillers while ensuring you keep the treatment area clean.
Chewing with new dental implants can cause discomfort. You will need to stick to soft foods initially before gradually reintroducing other elements of your normal diet gradually. Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you can enjoy eating anything you want.
Dental Implants In Leeds
At NuDental, we’re here to guide you through the dental implant procedure. Every journey is slightly different, so we’ll evaluate your progress throughout your entire implant journey.
Get in touch with us today and schedule your initial dental implant consultation.